
Upside-Down In Clown World Order - FF Ep93

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Henrik and Lana cover some of the most absurd news and other important stories from the crumbling West.
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No-Go Zone: #Louisville Riots, Kyle Rittenhouse Attorneys Release Video

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover some of the latest news and important stories.
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Democrats go full-on Antichrist as they attack potential Justice for her religion [Video]

This has been said countless times, and it still is amazing that any Christian – any at all – would even give the time of day to voting for a Democrat. Now, given, many Democrats are themselves Christian believers. While this takes a bit of mental sophistry to justify, these Democrats have at least been able up till now to defend their stance, saying that their Party has many anti-Christians in it, but that is not to say that the Party itself is aligned against Christ and his teachings (that is what Christianity really is, isn’t it?)

Man Who Shot Black Rioter in Self Defense Commits Suicide After Grand Jury Filed Charges Against Him

Jake Gardner lost his bar as the building owner evicted him after the shooting, he faced 95 years in prison on spurious charges, he faced enormous legal fees for his defense, he had two GoFundMe campaigns removed, and he was terrorized by Black Lives Matter supporters, causing him to move out of the state.

Libs threaten violence if new Justice is nominated. Typical. [Video]

“If you don’t give me what I want, I will kill myelf!”, says the kid screaming at his parents over not having the keys to the car. He wants to go out and party with his friends, and his parents are not having it. It is Thursday, a school night, and he is to be home studying. He is sixteen, old enough to drive, but not old enough to be called an adult, much less treated like one.
“I am serious!! I am going to do it!!”, says the kid, holding a knife at his own throat in fury. “Give me the keys!!”
“No,” says Dad. Not yelled, just calmly stated.

No-Go Zone: Covid Censorship, Vaccine, Anti-White Norm & Pedo Defenders

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover some of the latest news and important stories.
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