
The Ferguson Effect

This week we bring you black and brown power worldwide as peeps from Manila to Chicago fight the powers that be. In the Philippines, anti-capitalist warriors told APEC leaders to pack up and get the fuck out of dodge, while comrades in Minneapolis took a page from the Ferguson riots, and stormed a police station and in Chi-town, a strong reaction to the Laquan McDonald shooting tape.

LIONEL PODCAST: Racist America Loves Racist News Spewing Racist Scheiße

Gee, what are the folks so upset about? Beats me. I’m doing OK. What’s the big deal? As reported by the UK Independent the Sandtown neighborhood of west Baltimore suffers (a) nearly 52% unemployment, (b) a life expectancy (69 years) 10 years shorter than the US average, (c) a median household income less than half the US average and (d) the nation’s fifth-highest rate of violent crime.

LIONEL PODCAST: Baltimore Is About the Economic Genocide of Black America

The source of the cancer. The tensions stem from a multiplicity of sources, some of which is certainly the police, the prison industrial complex, policing for profit, mass incarceration, the militarization of cops and the like. Yes, Freddie Gray may have precipitated the initial involvement and interaction, but there’s more at stake. The media have been horrid in their approach. CNN shows particular tone deafness when it comes to causation factors.

LIONEL PODCAST: Baltimore Thugocracy Steals the Show Again

Baltimore apparently forgot the cause. Freddie Gray’s spine was severed after he made eye contact with the police and then ran. He died mysteriously in custody. He had a record, though that excuses not any mistreatment, and the case is being investigated. But the matter was seized as an excuse for thugs, bands of larcenous and marauding criminals, kids and punks, opportunistic lowlifes to co-opt the ostensible subject matter of the riots and have at it — pillaging, looting and steeling. It’s about crime and theft.

America is Falling Apart – #NewWorldNextWeek

Published on Aug 21, 2014 Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Story #1: Activists Say Outside Agitators to Blame for Ferguson Violence PBS: Timeline of Events in Ferguson Wikipedia: 2014 Ferguson, Missouri Unrest […]