
Esoteric Hollywood: CIA, CFR, Castro & Cuba – Dialectical Psy Ops Vid (Half)

In this latest installment, I consider the polarizing figure of Fidel Castro in relation to the numerous tales of CIA subterfuge and “assassination attempts,” as well as the larger picture of how the CIA works under the CFR to control Latin America, and thus how Latin American operations are a microcosm of how the rest of the sectors are managed – from the Middle East to Eurasia.  Purchase his books here.

LIONEL PODCAST: Hairsplitting and Parsing, Dissecting and Analysis — Higher Order Synthesis

The most beautiful words ever enunciated and the most surely under threat of extinction. Broadly inclusive yet exquisitely imprecise. Magnificently vague in coverage yet the first line of defense against tyranny of expression and thought and the expression of the simple idea. The troublesome idea. The noxious and noisome. This is the essence of who we are as a republic. Let me explain and give examples accordingly.