
Minneapolis: National Guard Called Following Riots After Black Man Dies During Arrest

Riots broke out in Minneapolis, and fire crews responded to 30 intentionally set blazes during the protests, including at least 16 structure fires. Violence spread a few miles away to a Target store in St. Paul’s Midway neighborhood where police said 50 to 60 people rushed the store attempting to loot it.

Hong Kong Rioters Should Never Fight Against Their Own Country

For several months, Western mass media called the Hong Kong rioters, “pro-democracy protesters”. It still does. But I began noticing a new, even deadlier, terminology. Now, the black-clad ninja-looking men and women that are periodically and violently clashing with the law enforcement forces are once in a while described as “pro-independence”.
Some Hong Kong citizens are defining the rioters, who recently celebrated the Americans’ “Mother’s Day” with further protests and aggressive actions, as a “political virus”.

Letter to the Young People of Hong Kong

Now that your city has been in flames for more than six months, your families divided, and no end to the violence is in sight, I have decided to write this short essay, in the form of an open letter, to the young people of Hong Kong.

First of all, I want to ask: Why?
Why all this smoke and fire, wrath and violence? Were your lives, before the so-called “protests”, or “riots”, really so dismal?

Some in Hong Kong Feel Frustrated as Their City is Losing to Mainland China

Hong Kong is losing to Mainland China. Its poverty rates are high, it suffers from corruption and savage capitalism. It is now the most expensive city on earth. People are frustrated, but paradoxically, they are blaming socialist Beijing for their problems, instead of the legacy of British colonialism. ‘Across the line’, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Xian and other cities are leaving Hong Kong behind in almost all fields.

French riots have streets on fire over the Paris Climate Accords

The United States is often criticized for its citizens’ “love affair with the automobile.” It was roundly criticized when its president withdrew the US from the highly vaunted Paris Climate Accords.
Europeans are often perceived to look on the actions of Americans complaining over the high price of gasoline as somehow immoral. However, Americans do not usually go destroying things and setting fires in the streets over high fuel prices. In fact, no one does that.
Do they?

Social justice being used by criminals ~ Sweden’s car fires

Sweden recently became global news when massive car fires were orchestrated over social media.
My video above covers a lot of information about various motivations for those type of crimes, and how multiculturalism has created a new kind of gang criminal. But what I forgot to mention was the moral message from the perpetrators.

Haiti: Protesters Rioted as Government Attempted to Raise Fuel Prices, 4 Dead, Americans Still Stranded

Haiti: Riots erupted after the government attempted to raise fuel prices. At least three people are dead. Protesters tried to set a hotel on fire that had 120 American guests. Multiple Christian youth groups from the US are stranded, while dozens more remained marooned at the airport, unable to return to their hotels or other accommodations due to the blockage of streets and lack of transportation. [...]