right-wing judicial activism

The full DC Circuit Court of Appeals pulls back from the brink of health-care loony-tune-itude

It was a good day for judicial sanity, not such a good day for the Great Right-Wing Noise Machine. Cartoon by Joel Pett (March 2013) -- click to enlarge."When the full DC Circuit announced they would rehear the case, by contrast, that was an indication that the two Republicans who blocked the subsidies may be outliers who reached an idiosyncratic result in an easy case.

Chief Justice Roberts does everything he can to see that the FISA court remains a trusty tool of the national-security state

So you think you have a right to know something, anything, about the workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court? Maybe we need to, um, discuss this at greater length in, you know, secret."[The members of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] all seem to have some type of a pretty conservative bent, I don't think that is what the Congress envisioned when giving the chief justice that authority.