right-wing bulllies

Confidential to the Ohio Denali-deniers: If you really can't grasp the name change, bear in mind that it's none of your frigging business

With (Lord help us) Trump update -- see belowMount Denali (20,237 feet)"President McKinley never visited, nor did he have any significant historical connection to, the mountain or to Alaska."-- Interior Secretary Sally Jewell"I'd like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honor, respect, and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska."-- Sen.

On Iran, listen to the euphony between crackpot right-wing raving in Israel and the crackpot raving of the American Likudniks

Haaretz illustrated the Yossi Verter piece referenced below with this remembrance of Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu addressing Congress last March at the invitation of aspiring American Likudnik House Speaker "Sunny John" Boehner."Sometimes it’s hard to know where Sheldon Adelson, the biggest Republican donor, ends and Netanyahu begins."-- Haaretz's Yossi Verter, in "

E. J. Dionne Jr. on "The wound Netanyahu left"

Bibi is greeted by members of Congress before his speech Tuesday. "It was disconcerting," E.J. says, "to watch Congress cheer wildly as a foreign leader, the prime minister of one of the United States' closest allies, trashed an American president's foreign policy.""It fell to Isaac Herzog, Benjamin Netanyahu's leading opponent in Israel’s March 17 election, to make the essential point: that Tuesday's speech was 'a very harsh wound to Israel-U.S.

So this is what confirmation hearings are going to look like in the new Thug Senate

Dana Milbank says: "The case against [AG nominee Loretta] Lynch deflated faster than if the New England Patriots had run the hearing."by KenSo now we've actually seen what the confirmation process is going to look like in a Senate under the control of thugs and mental defectives. I guess it's about what any reasonably informed person would have expected; it's just more revolting to actually witness.

And speaking of Governor Booby: Having established that he's a boob, is he trying now to show that he's thuggier than Fox Noise?

Fox Noise has backed off the "no-go zones," but not our Booby.by KenBoy, all of today's stories seem to just tie together! Earlier today we were talking about the, er, distinguished roster of orators who have made their name in the Village by delivering responses to the president's State of the Union address, especially in the Age of Obama -- a list that will now and forever be headed by the biggest boob of them all, Louisiana Gov. Booby Jindal.

Of course there's no chance of any actual discussion about immigration

From today's Washington Post "Tuesday's Opinions" e-mailby KenIf I told you that I didn't bother to click through to the specimen of op-ed illumination promised by the above e-blurb, and merely waved it at you saying "See? See?," you would probably say, "Well, sure, that's dumber than dirt, but it probably doesn't represent what that noted far-right-wing sage Marc A.