rigged elections

The DARK WINTER has only just begun: Prepare for YEARS of economic collapse, rigged elections, censorship and government tyranny

by Mike Adams, Natural News: In the aftermath of yesterday’s mid-term elections, the only good news is that we have essentially paused some elements of the Democrats’ agenda of total destruction by taking control of the House (as is currently projected but not yet called). This alone will pause the Democrats’ legislative and executive monopoly […]

Donna Brazile: “I Found Proof the DNC Rigged the Nomination for Hillary”

The proof cited by Brazile was a 2015 fundraising agreement between the DNC and Hillary a year before she secured the nomination over Sanders. The DNC was millions of dollars in debt, and Hillary offered financial assistance in exchange for control over the party’s finances, strategy, and just about all aspects of its operations. [...]

Media Worried Too Many Americans Will Question Legitimacy of 2016 Election

(ANTIMEDIA) 2016 is the year many, many Americans began to question whether or not our elections, and to a lesser extent, our democracy (insert “it’s a constitutional republic, big difference!” here) are rigged. As I’ve argued many times in the past year, there is plenty of evidence suggesting these skeptical Americans are, indeed, onto something with their suspicions.