Rigged Election

The New York Times Just Accidentally Proved US Elections are Illegitimate

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) The New York Times published an interesting analysis Monday morning that showed only 9 percent of the country voted for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the primary elections. That figure counts all citizens of the U.S., including children and felons — neither of whom have the right to vote.

The RIGGED PRESIDENTIAL RACE, 2016: And a Warning from JFK..

“It’s scandalous,” former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner complained. “It’s absolutely scandalous and it really feeds into what Sanders supporters believe… that this whole thing was rigged right from the beginning.” The Associated Press announcement, on Monday, that Hillary Clinton is now decisively the Democrat nominee and Bernie Sanders is basically out of the race […]

How is HILLARY CLINTON So Popular When No One Likes Her…?

It’s a valid question. After all, she seems to be the least liked and least trusted presidential candidate in recent memory. However, public opinion is notoriously difficult to gage with accuracy. It is fairly well known, in the UK for example, that polls will give only a false impression of popular mood, partly because a […]