
Spirit Cooking the Election Books: Clinton, Trump & Rosemary’s Baby (Vid)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Jamie Hanshaw, author of Operation Culture Creation and Hollywood Mind Control joins Jay Dyer to cover Wikileaks, Spirit Cooking, Abramovic, Hollywood elites, email scandals, cannibalism and two films of import: Poltergeist and Rosemary’s Baby.  We also cover the Manchurian Candidate, MK ULTRA, sex slaves and the Tim Leary-CIA “counter-culture.” 

Occult Wikileaks & the Atlanticist “Illuminati”: Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope w/Tim Kelly

Dr. Carroll Quigley was the mentor for Bill Clinton and thus provides a crucial window into the levers of power behind the Clinton machine and the entire corrupt establishment, throughout the Cold War. This includes the cuckservative GOP, as well as world socialism/communism – all run by the western banking elites, and as exposed in the wikileaks emails blatantly – including the fraud of “democratic voting.”  This was recorded several days ago with Tim Kelly on his podcast, Our Interesting Times.