Rick Wiles

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah Sunday Thoughts:Yeah, Rick Wiles, but what's YOUR excuse? What made you so inhuman? What altered your DNA? Or, were you just born that way? Did your god play a little trick on you? Is it just a lifestyle choice that you made? For decades, I've always noted that republicans always need someone or some group to hate or at least use for stoking fear to motivate their voters.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Flor-i-duh Pastor Rick Wiles is living proof that the insane walk free among us. Not only that, but, too often, they have radio shows and large numbers of followers, self-proclaimed "Christian" followers in this case. Wiles is one of those all too common "Christian" evangelical Republican types. It's hard to even look at him without seeing a MAGA propeller beanie on his head and a swastika armband on each arm.

Republicans Find a Big Ol’ Pot of Perversion and Terrorism at the End of Every Rainbow!

Featuring Tom DeLay and his fabulous future world of"12 New Perversions"! Plus: Mike Huckabee in chaps!Uh-oh, looks like the republican God has some punishing to do.by NoahIt's summertime, the time of beastly hot weather, which is often relieved only by big storms. At the end of those storms, one can often see a rainbow. To normal people, a rainbow is something beautiful.