Richard Grenell

Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga

Mises Institute, February 20, 2021 The Biggest Lies of the Impeachment Saga by James Bovard The Senate impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump confirms historian Henry Adams’s adage a century ago that politics “has always been the systematic organization of hatreds.” The impeachment process was a farce that should fortify Americans’ disdain for Washington. Considering […]

Trump’s Touted Troop Pullout From Germany Is More Rift Than Gift

President Donald Trump’s reported order to withdraw nearly 10,000 US troops from bases in Germany has engendered frissons of angst about the future of NATO, the transatlantic relationship, and European security. The most preposterous reaction came from American and European security officials who called the move a “gift to Putin”.

Adam Schiff’s Russiagate house of cards comes crumbling down (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss how shifty, corrupt Congressman Adam Schiff folded and had to release information from 53 declassified transcripts of witnesses that testified before Congress regarding the FBI’s Russia probe into the Trump campaign.
The decision for Schiff to publish the 6,000 pages of transcripts comes after a showdown with Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, who stated in a letter on Wednesday that if Adam Schiff does not make the transcripts public then he will release them himself.

Richard Grenell: Trump’s Yes Man in Berlin Gets Top Intel Job

In announcing Richard Grenell as the new acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI), President Trump had high praise for the 53-year-old diplomat, saying: “Rick has represented our country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him.”
If by “representation” Trump means insulting a host nation exceedingly well on behalf of the president, then, yes, Grenell has been outstanding in his role up to now as American ambassador to Germany.