Rhode Island

Aaron Regunberg, Rhode Island's Contribution To A Better American Future

We talk a lot here at Blue America about the need to primary conservative Democrats and replace them with bold progressives. And there's a powerful example of that action happening right now in Rhode Island. We've never endorsed in a Lt. Governor's race before but Rhode Island's leading young progressive voice in state government, State Representative Aaron Regunberg, recently announced a primary challenge to the incumbent Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee. This is a race Blue America wants to get involved with.

WATCH: Nine Rhode Island Cops Shoot Wrong Suspects While Looking for Man who Stole Police Cruiser

A video posted to Facebook shows nine Rhode Island cops firing more than 40 shots at a couple in a white pick-up truck, killing a man and seriously injuring a woman, who they suspected stole a police cruiser on November 9.
But they ended up killing the wrong man as the man they were looking for was not even in the truck.
“I don’t know what they believed, and their justification for the use of force,” Providence Public Safety Commissioner Steven Pare told WPRI-TV Thursday.

Rhode Island Cop Convicted for Assaulting Child while Suspended for Assaulting 9-Year-Old Sister

A Rhode Island cop ordered to serve 10 years in prison in 2014 after he was convicted of second-degree child abuse for choking his 9-year-old sister and dragging her by her hair was convicted again earlier this month for assaulting another child.
Woonsocket police officer Patrick Cahill, 28, was suspended from the Woonsocket Police Department, but has not been fired since the incident in 2012 after his sentence was stayed and remains currently under appeal in the Supreme Court.
Since his 2014 conviction, a judge has allowed officer Cahill to remain free while he appeals.

"Party Unity" Is Just A Term To Make Progressives Support Establishment Crooks-- Rhode Island Edition

Back in September we introduced an unlikely primary winner, when progressive grassroots Democrat Marcia Ranglin-Vassell beat the entrenched Rhode Island House Majority Leader John DeSimone, an anti-Choice conservative with a miserable environmental record, a failing grade from the ACLU and an NRA-friendly record on guns.