Revolving Doors

BFP Exclusive EyeOpening Report: Exposing Every Pentagon Contract in 2013

The Department of Defense (DOD) spent $331,456,507,052 on roughly 3,288 publicly-disclosed contracts during 2013
Look for trends in this data. Discover where U.S. tax dollars are spent. For example, notice the large portion of money that corporations receive from maintenance contracts. Observe how many contracts are not bid on competitively, especially those pertaining to the Joint Strike Fighter and cyberspace. Scour the construction contracts in order to see where the Pentagon is building its infrastructure. The data is yours.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for December 2013

DOD spent at least $25,976,742,948 on roughly 300 individual contracts during December 2013
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form. Italics indicate notes from the editor.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $25,976,742,948 on roughly 300 individual contracts during December 2013.

The EyeOpener Report- Who Decides Who’s Crazy? – Big Pharma & the DSM

Commonly referred to as the psychiatric diagnostic “bible,” the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has always generated controversy. How are disorders diagnosed? What criteria are used to establish disorders in the first place? Are the categories subjective? Do they reflect cultural biases?
Find out about the DSM and big pharma influence over the modern psychiatric profession in this week’s edition of the Boiling Frogs Post EyeOpener report with James Corbett.