revolving door

Would People Still Run For Congress If They Couldn't Be Lobbyists Afterwards?

We often refer to certain prominent Members of Congress as "crooks" and bribe takers-- particularly Debbie Wasserman Schultz (New Dem-FL), Buck McKeon (R-CA), Steve Israel (Blue Dog-NY), and Joe Crowley (New Dem-NY). Wasserman Schultz, who's in debt to the tune of just over a million dollars, is the 3rd poorest Member of Congress and McKeon is the 4th poorest, with a gaggle of unemployable relatives dependent on him, a $943,000 debt and an unrivaled record of grotesque corruption.

McKeon Has Found The One Career That Normal People View As Even Less Ethical Than Congressmembers

Buck McKeon, Boehner's uber-corrupt head of the House Armed Services Committee, is getting ready for his next career as a lobbyist. A bunch of relatives have already started the firm and McKeon is busy lining up clients by making sure the Military-Industrial Complex gravy train is not interrupted by any sequestration.