
After Brexit: A Northern Union And A Revolt Against Banker Occupation…

A British officer told Paul Craig Roberts that 90% of the soldiers in his command voted for Leave because they were tired of fighting wars for America. Of course Americans know that our wars are for Israel and the Banks. We have as much anger as the British and others around the world do against our government. That is because Americans are beginning to realize we are an occupied nation.
The goal of this essay is to outline escape routes from the European Union, Banker Occupation and never ending wars.

The Real Reasons For A Draft: It Would Lower Our Unemployment Rate And…

There usually is not one single reason why the government does something. David Stockman for example told us one of the reasons for Obamacare was to force employers to cut hours worked to under 30. That lowered our unemployment rate. Stockman noticed that total hours worked by non-government workers hardly grew at all since 2000. Another point about Obamacare is that Obama donors were exempted from the regulations so small businesses were bankrupted. And many others were never started because employers could not figure out how to pay for mandatory healthcare.

Interview 1180 – Sibel Edmonds Reveals the Khomeini / America Connection

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Last week I reported on the recently declassified cables that show how Ayatollah Khomeini had a secret channel with the US through which he negotiated his return to Iran during the 1979 revolution. Today Sibel Edmonds of joins us to discuss these newly-released documents, their significance and historical context, and her own experiences living through the revolution.

Appeal To China And Russia: Please Do Not Let Venezuela Fall!

Dear Mr. President Xi Jinping,
Dear Mr. President Vladimir Putin,
The re-emerging specter of nuclear catastrophe is once again haunting the world.
The West is trying to isolate and provoke two great, proud, powerful and sovereign countries; China and Russia. It appears that the pathological desire to gain (or more precisely, re-gain) full control over the entire world is fully restraining all remaining flickers of rationale and humanism inside the brains of the politicians and business ‘elites’ in Washington, London and elsewhere.