
End This Depression By Ending Banker Occupation

The Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich studied 40,000 international corporations. They found 1,319 to be significant. And of these there were 147 that ran the world economy. That study also revealed that these 147 companies had interlocking Boards of Directors so in reality we are talking about one corporate entity running the world economy, the media and all of our governments.
David Rothkopf wrote Superclass. He is a former CEO of Kissinger Associates. He says our world is run by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. They are the driving force for the New World Order.

You Might Get Fired for Talking Trash Against Hillary and Donald

I can’t believe it, but then I can believe it, or I must believe it. These are compliant times, where people in the US workforce are kowtowed and then for years these multiple generations in the workforce have thrown in the towel and been so bullied by the Politically Crap Corrective Collective Group-Think that they are not even human — they can’t even rage against the injustice befalling them. I have both taught and worked alongside people who just believe deep down there’s no sense in fighting the powers that be, and that’s it, too bad, sure, but what can we do about it?

Mortgages Are Instruments Of Fraud

The word mortgage comes from the old French and quite literally means you have made a pledge that lasts until you are dead. Too bad for us that mortgages are fraudulent.
I do not think our governments will be here in their present form much longer. Things could get worse. The Bankers are trying to turn student loans into pledges unto death. But it is also possible for us to construct a better world after the Dollar Dies. In that case, one of the things we will have to do is to drastically change the way mortgages are created.

A Guest Post From Jesse Myerson: The Political Revolution: Where From Here?

Beyond Bernie, What?Since mid-April, when Hillary Clinton handily won the New York primary, variations on that question have animated discussions all over the country among activists, Sen. Sanders’ detractors as well as his supporters, who recognize that his run’s successes present an opportunity. Attending that opportunity, however, comes a burden.

Sorry Bernie, No Hillary: We Are Revolutionaries

The great Fred Hampton, Black Panther leader that was murdered by Chicago police in cahoots with the FBI on December 3,1969, had a refrain he used in his speeches. “I am a revolutionary.” Partly he was killed because of his oratory skills, partly because of his organizing skills. He was in the process of merging the Black Panthers with other activists groups of the day — and J. Edgar Hoover put a stop to all that.