Revelation of the Method

Manifestation of the Serpent, Rome, April 27

The Manifestation of the Serpent, Rome, 4/27 in the 14th year of 21Trinity SightThis Sunday April 27, 2014 represents the culmination of the devolution of Christ's ecclesia, from the Catholic Church into the Church of Rome.The process commenced according to plan in the latter half of the fifteenth century.Two patron saints of child molestation-facilitation, Pope John XXIII an

Operation Ouroboros: Boston suspect linked to newspaper that exposes false flag operations

Once and Future Terrorism ©2013 by Michael HoffmanIn a front page story in today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal, the alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev is linked to the populist, right wing newspaper, American Free Press, a national weekly which exposes government black ops.Strange that a terrorist would be subscribing to a newspaper that warns its readers that terrorism is too often a US government false flag operation against its own people.The report, in the August 6, 2013 W

FBI appears to have silenced Boston Marathon Bombing witness by killing him

FBI Changes Story of How and Why Ibragim Todashev DiedOriginally said he had a knife - Feds now say it may have been a “broomstick” — or he "might not have had anything in his hands"Editor's Note: What follows is an unusually candid report by the New York Times -- to such an extent that in this writer's view it can be considered Revelation of the Method. While we have withheld an assessment until today, we now believe that like so many persons who had information on the conspiracy that assassinated President John F.