
Roman Catholicism, Islam & Greek Philosophical Presuppositions – Montana Lecture – Jay Dyer (Half)

 This is the first half of the Montanica Lecture I delivered covering the similarities and patterns in the divine simplicity doctrines of Roman Catholicism, Islam and Eunomius. We look at Actrus Purus, the divine ousia as seen in Eunomius Vs the Cappadocians, the doctrine of the energies and more! The full talk is available […]

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer / Snek / George (Free Half)

Tonight we cover the long list of papal forgeries long used for centuries to back up the more absurd papal claims, such as universal temporal and *monetary* supremacy.  We will look at the more well known examples like the Donation of Constantine, as well as lesser known documents, and in part 2 touch on Fatima and other so-called “apparitions” which now replace the  authentic direct experience of God with superstition and histrionics.  The full talk is available for subscribers to

Defense of Traditional Philosophy Ep 3 – Absolute Simplicity, Essence – Energy & the 6th Council

Today we will cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus, St Gregory of Nyssa Against Eunomius, St Maximos, St Sophronius, and much more!  Live at 3PM EST!