restoration of Christianity

While Russia prays and trains for war, American forces train for gay sex [Video]

We printed a piece a few days ago, entitled “This is what a great military does: they pray to God.” Of course, we highlighted Russia, in her continuing embrace of traditional and Christian values, as reflected in the Divine Liturgy being served in the new and massive cathedral built for the Armed Forces of the […]

Russian Constitutional reform affirms God, tradition and the course ahead [Video]

The July 1st referendum, or election, regarding the approval of the Russian Constitutional reform, has come and gone. It yielded interesting results, though, thank God, it yielded the right ones for the nation. Overall, a very strong majority, 77.92% of the voters approved the changes, and 21.27 opposed them. The voter turnout is understood to be moderately high by Russian standards, with some 65% of citizens voting in the extended time period made available by early voting.