
Nikki Haley to quit as UN Ambassador

The American ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, announced her resignation from her post on Tuesday, October 9th. Haley, 46, plans to complete her work at the end of the calendar year.
The former governor of South Carolina, Haley was picked to be the American ambassador to the UN by President Trump on November 23, 2016, shortly after Donald Trump won the Presidency. Her confirmation was nearly unanimously approved in the Senate, 96 to 4. She is the first Indian-American to hold a Cabinet-level position in the American government.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt's horrible to see this tweet and realize it's not real. The first thing that tells us it isn't a real Traitor Don tweet is that it doesn't have enough spelling mistakes. Also, if Donnie the Blowhard really was resigning, he'd issue something that included what a great job he'd done, that his resignation will be getting the highest TV ratings ever, that his approval ratings were the higher than Lincoln...