
Biden’s Toxic January 6th Demonology

Libertarian Institute, January 12, 2023 Biden’s Toxic January 6th Demonology by Jim Bovard | Last Friday, President Biden held a White House ceremony commemorating the second anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot. Biden showered a dozen Presidential Service Medals dozen people connected to the 2020 election or the January 6 events. Biden talked of […]
The post Biden’s Toxic January 6th Demonology appeared first on James Bovard.

The Secret History of a Riot

The 800-page gorilla of a report from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol seems strangely silent on a few matters that, apparently, were a bit too uncomfortable for the Committee to take on. So, buckle up for a discomfiting ride with our investigative team that has been tracking […]
The post The Secret History of a Riot first appeared on Dissident Voice.

New York Post: Liberals Learned Nothing in 2022

New York Post, December 30, 2022 Liberals have learned nothing in the Biden era By James Bovard Though 2022 was a feast for cynics, The Washington Post is confident that next year will be much happier — at least for Democrats. The DC newspaper this week published a piece called “15 Reasons You Should be […]
The post New York Post: Liberals Learned Nothing in 2022 appeared first on James Bovard.

Justice Sues “True the Vote” Vigilantes

Finally. The Department of Justice has finally taken on ‘True the Vote’, the right-wing group behind the wrongful challenge of hundreds of thousands of legal Georgia voters. True the Vote challenges were the central subject of the film Vigilante, Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman created by the Palast Investigative Fund team. I know what you’re thinking:  […]
The post Justice Sues “True the Vote” Vigilantes first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Al Mayadeen: “‘I was screaming and he was smiling’: DeSantis ran Guantanamo torture”

I post here this highly informative article about the man who will probably be the next Republican Party U.S. Presidential nominee, Ron DeSantis: “I was screaming and he was smiling”: DeSantis ran Guantanamo torture There is more to than what meets the eye on DeSantis’ military past beyond a mere involvement in Guantanamo Bay. A […]

“But Jesus Didn’t Use a Condom … “

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and as residents in the first state to officially ban abortion, sexually active Missourians are f*cked or, rather, will be literally unf*cked in the near future once state legislators succumb to a targeted pressure campaign to criminalize contraceptives.  Historically and politically, all roads lead to Missouri’s small, but […]
The post “But Jesus Didn’t Use a Condom … “ first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Who are the most bloodthirsty U.S. Senators? (They all are.)

Eric Zuesse There is now emerging among congressional Republicans (at last) a recognition that (though they have until recently been every bit as neocon and pro-military-industrial-complex as their Democratic Party colleagues have been and are), the best path forward for the Republican Party to again come to hold the reins of power in the U.S. […]

What the 2022 Midterm Election Charade Offers Us

That neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are offering anything to alleviate the problems working people face is illustrated by their campaign fear-mongering – the former over “fascism” and the latter over “socialists” and “radicals.” No matter which party dominates the midterm elections, do not expect either will herald in fascism or socialism. Actual socialists […]