Republican wing of the Democratic Party

How Do You Know When A Candidate Is From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party? Meet Shannon Hutcheson Of Texas

Last cycle Mike Siegel held Trump enabler Michael McCaul to just 51.1%, McCaul's worst showing in his political career. McCaul, one of the two or three richest members of Congress-- his in-laws are robber barons-- spent  $1,754,122 on the race, swamping Mike's $477,926. The DCCC declined to get involved, telling institutional donors to skip the race because it was too red a district and because Mike is a progressive.

Is EITHER National Political Party Worth Saving?

On CNN yesterday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell warned that "The Republican party has got to get a grip on itself. Republican leaders and members of the Congress… are holding back because they’re terrified of what will happen [to] any one of them if they speak out." Trump appears to be overseeing the disintegration of the GOP.

Biden Opposes Medicare For All The Same Way Conservative Democrats Used To Oppose Medicare

I admit it... gladly, proudly: I've always detested Joe Biden. Loathed the guy-- in the '70s he was an outright racist, not even hiding it-- and then went on to be one of the most conservative Democratic shitheads in the Senate, along with Joe Lieberman (CT), Henry Jackson (WA), John Stennis (MS), Max Baucus (MT), Ernest Hollings (SC), James Exon (NE), Russell Long (LA), Herman Talmadge (GA), J.

You'll Never Go Wrong Politically By Doing The Opposite Of Whatever Ed Rendell Tells You To Do

They've had their turn running the place-- and they screwed it upEd Rendell is the apotheosis of the Democratic Party Establishment Hack. He was a Philly tough-on-crime D.A. for 2 terms, Philly Mayor for 2 terms and Pennsylvania Governor for 2 terms, pleasing Republicans by slashing items that helped poor people and working families from the state budget.

All But 40 Democrats Are Co-Sponsoring The Ban On Assault Weapons. These Are The 40

Last February David Cicilline (D-RI) introduced H.R. 1296, an assault weapons ban. He has 196 co-sponsors, including six who signed on Tuesday-- Marc Veasey (New Dem-TX), Katie Porter (D-CA), Susan Wild (New Dem-PA), Josh Gottheimer (Blue Dog-NJ... incredible what a primary from the left will do with an asshole like him), and Chris Pappas (New Dem-NH).

Trump Democrats Generally Lose-- Which Is A VERY Good Thing

A few days ago, defeated conservaDem, Claire McCaskill, was on Chris Hayes' show trying to wish upon a star that she could take back her vote confirming Alex Acosta after the Senate examined his qualifications. There isn't much new information that's come out since McCaskill and 5 other Democrats decided he should be the country's Secretary of Labor.