Republican wing of the Democratic Party

Conservatives Continue Blocking Realistic Pandemic Relief Bill

  The floor vote on Pelosi's COVID-relief package on Thursday was a little close for comfort, as too many cowardly conservative Blue Dogs and New Dems panicked and crossed the aisle to vote with the Republicans against it. This is what happens when the DCCC stomps on progressives and pushes conservatives from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party.

Obama Sounded Like He Endorsed Bernie And AOC, Not Status Quo Joe

The video above is most of Obama's predictably eloquent endorsement of Status Quo Joe yesterday, starting with the part where he tries to wash the blood off his hands for having coordinated the successful neoliberal effort to derail the #NotMeUs campaign.And there's some stuff there that anyone can like. "If I were running today," he said in his endorsement of a virtual corpse who talks about nothing but the good old days between 2008 and 20016, "I wouldn't run the same race or have the same platform as I did in 2008. The world is different.

Black Georgia House Conservative Democrat, Vernon Jones, Endorses Trump

Not all Democrats are any good. Some suck shit morning, noon and night. Take Rep. Vernon Jones, a little-known swindler and racist from DeKalb county, although not from the part in the districts he represents, in the Atlanta suburbs. He's run for everything short of governor and lost all his races since in the last 2 decades... basically a vanity candidate.

Why Exactly Today's House Democrats Never Fail To Disappoint

Last cycle, Pelosi's dreadfully corrupt-- as in just like a GOP pay-to-play outfit-- SuperPAC, the House Majority PAC, spent $72,107,669, very little of it supporting progressives and almost all of it supporting New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. These were the 26 candidates who got the most help-- over a million dollars from Pelosi (and not counting the money the DCCC spent in these districts).

Will Michigan Workers Put Bernie Back On Track Tuesday?

Bernie and Biden will face off in a one on one debate on Sunday, March 15 in Phoenix (with CNN and Univision hosting-- Jake Tapper, Dana Bash and Jorge Ramos moderating). Before then, though, we have a big day this Tuesday when Michigan, Washington state, Missouri, Mississippi and Idaho hold their primaries, also the day of North Dakota's primary and the last day of Democrats Abroad primary. Michigan is the big prize-- 125 delegates. Before Super Tuesday, Bernie was leading Biden 25-16% with Bloomberg and Elizabeth both at 13%, Mayo Pete at 11% and Klobuchar at 8%.

The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party-- Plus Some Republicans-- Make Their Move: STOP BERNIE!

Everyone knew Bernie would win yesterday, but no one predicted his win would be as decisive and sweeping as it turned out to me. You almost feel sorry for all the right-of-center, anti-working class pundits on MSNBC. I thought Chris Matthews was on the verge on moving on to the next world while the caucus votes were coming in, not to mention former Bush staffer Nicolle Wallace, and the man who has never been right about anything for two decades, James Carville. I don't know what Joy Reid or Claire McCaskill had to say since I press mute as soon as either one of them starts talking.