Republican War on Women

One More GOP Crackpot Who Probably Won't Get Into Congress-- Mark Harris (NC-09)

Keep digging' MarkDan McCready isn't my kind of candidate. He has already joined the Blue Dogs and New Dems, the Republican wing of the Democratic Party and is likely to take a very conservative posture when it comes to crucial congressional votes-- more or less your father's kind of Republican but with a "D" next to his name, not a Trumpian fascist or 2018 right-wing extremist.

It's MOTHER Nature, Not Father Nature

I was fascinated a few days ago to hear Marianne Williamson address a crowd of Laura Oatman supporters in Huntington Beach. Laura is the progressive woman running against Putin's favorite congressman, Republican Dana Rohrabacher. Marianne and Laura spoke to the crowd about the special strength and power of mothers that has evolved over millennia to ensure the longevity of the species.

Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahNow hiring. Looking for the best people. This is your golden opportunity to join a team of experienced experts in the field of rape culture. Are you a serial abuser? Do you fear women and treat them like dirt? Do you pack a punch? If so, the new United States Institute For Rape Culture is the place for you! Co-founded by the RNC and the administration of President Donald J.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahI especially like Kelly's monkey medals, very apt.Yes, Gen. John Kelly, Señor Trumpanzee's Chief of Staff would have fit in quite well at Rick's American Cafe in Casablanca. Of course in that alternate universe, the Nazi's would be running it under his direction. Kinda like the White House is today. As it is, Gen. Kelly is a bigly stain on the reputation of the United State Marine Corps.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahFor yesterday's meme, I threw a glaring prison yard spotlight on the 22 Republican creeping lowlife senators who, led by Mitch McConnell, voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act back in 2013. You can consider today's meme Part 2. It too, reflects the basic attitude of Republicans towards women. It's not just about their legislation ideas.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahBack in 1994, Congress passed Senator Joe Biden's Violence Against Women Act by a bi-partisan vote (Times were different way back then). The act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. The new law provided $1.6 Billion to investigate and prosecute those charged with violent crimes against women. It also imposed automatic mandatory penalties for convictions, and also provided for redress via civil cases.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahSurely, this meme expresses an idea whose time has come. Think of it, since Republicans long to always "put women in their place" and tell them exactly what they can and can't do with their lives, their health and even their bodies, suppose every American woman tried to take advantage of our nation's lax gun laws and armed themselves, ideally to the teeth. What would all those angry, fearful white men do?

Want To Know Why Hawaii Has Such A Weak And Ineffective GOP?

A couple of weeks ago I heard a 33 year old Hawaiian state legislator, Beth Fukumoto, being interviewed on NPR. She had a compelling story about criticizing Trump and being stripped of her leadership position in the state House by her fellow Republicans. I thought it might make an interesting story for this blog and then stopped myself with a promise that I would revisit when Beth, a former state party GOP chair and the Minority Leader of the state House, inevitably switched parties and became a Democrat.

Massachusetts ConservaDem Stephen Lynch Draws A Primary Opponent

Safely behind it's paywall last week, Roll Call ran a post by Colin Diersing about Tulsi Gabbard's cloudy political future. DWT readers are already aware that the conservative Fox Democrat masquerading as a progressive can't be trusted, despite having noisily endorsed Bernie-- in a state where he won the 2016 caucuses 70-30% against Clinton.