Republican War on Science

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

 by Noah Sunday Thoughts: Christonuts just get more and more weird by the week. Sure, we already knew about Republican Christian types who believe the world is only 6000 years old and that our ancestors rode to work on dinosaurs. In their demented and critical thinking challenged minds, they know that's true because they saw it in The Flintstones and, for them, The Flintstones is a documentary. What? It's not just more leftist Hollywood propaganda?

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs I write this on Tuesday afternoon, Hurricane Sally has parked itself, barely moving, in the Gulf Of Mexico, bashing a length of coastline from the Florida panhandle through Alabama and Mississippi all the way to Baton Rouge. Because it's stationary, the weather forecasters had to up the possible maximum rainfall totals from up to 15 inches to up to 30 inches or more.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe Republican Party has always been loud, proud and totally out in the open about its disdain for science. To them, science is just so much mumbo-jumbo and downright witchcraft.Now with the coronavirus pandemic, we can see a blatantly obvious real-life real-time consequence of that disdain, a disdain that 62,000,000 voters endorsed when they put on their stupid red hats and voted for their false idol.

Under Trump, The Republican War On Science Has Been Succeeding-- And Just When Mankind Needs Science Most

A couple of days ago, a friend sent me a blistering note excoriating me for using the picture of Trump above. That isn’t why I’m running it again-- at least not the entire reason. This absolutely crucial piece in the NY Times hadn’t run yet but the perspective it conveys is exactly why the Trump-Morlock portrait is so perfect and so appropriate.

With The Green Parties Sweeping To New Heights In Europe, It's Important To Understand That The U.S. Equivalent Is NOT The Democratic Party-- At Least Not Yet

MD-05 primary voters will choose between a Climate denier and a Climate activistOn Memorial Day, the NY Times ran an important story by Coral Davenport and Mark Landler that has gone largely unseen, Trump Administration Hardens Its Attack on Climate Science.

Can The Republican War On Science Actually Kill Us?

Tara Haelle's new book, Vaccination investigation made her a natural for the TED talk above, which focuses on the vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal that has been increasingly erupting into unpredictable disease outbreaks that are difficult to contain. her goal was to explain what underlies the irrational fear, that is being adopted by the anti-Science Party (AKA- the Republicans). Trump, for example, likes to carry on in public about crazy and disproven conspiracy theories linking vaccinations to autism.Can we really blame this new threat on the GOP?

Climate Change-- Are There Any Democrats Who Would Sell Out To The Koch Brothers?

Pelosi is serious when she appoints members to the House Science Committee. Ryan and Boehner always thought it was a time for humor. Imagine the laughs when Ryan appointed Scientologist and Big Oil puppet Lamar Smith chairman. How about Orange County crackpot, stoner Dana Rohrabacher? Webster (FL), Loudermilk (GA), Biggs (AZ)... all laughingstocks. Ryan just put another Arizonan on the committee last week, newly elected crazy person Debbie Lesko (AZ).