Republican War Against Democracy

Will Trump’s GOP Finally Kill American Democracy?

-by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey WassermanFor Donald Trump’s GOP followers, the real issue in the 2020 election is democracy itself.They want it abolished.Their primary allies are the Coronavirus, state legislatures like those in Ohio and Wisconsin, and the US Supreme Court.The campaign just hit a new level in Wisconsin. Using the Pandemic, its gerrymandered GOP legislature made voting in the April 7 primary as dangerous as possible.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIn keeping with the president's intense psychopathology, the Trump owned and operated "Supreme" Court chose illness and death over the Constitutional right to vote for untold numbers of Wisconsin citizens earlier this week when they decreed from on high that there would be no extension of voting time, due to the pandemic, for citizens to get, fill out, and send in absentee ballots.

Lame Ducks Are Outdated And Should Be Abolsihed

American lame duck periods-- between early November's election and early Jannary's inauguration, are usually extremely dysfunctional-- but they were even worse before 1933 when they lasted until March. In 1933m the 29th Amendment to the Constitution moved the beginning of the new Congress to January 3 (and the inauguration of the president to January 20), shortening, but not eliminating the lame duck period.

When Republicans Don't Like What The Voters Decide...

I was shocked when the Florida Republican Party seemed so calm when Amendment 4 passed in November. It's going to probably mean a million new voters, many of then not especially GOP-friendly. Florida was one of only 4 states, the others being Kentucky, Iowa and Virginia, where convicted felons do not regain the right to vote after serving out their sentences.