Republican terrorists

Right Wing Terrorist In The Washington State Legislature Explains How To Divide Up The Booty They Steal After They Kill The Jews And Gays And Liberals

2018 Republicans-- Matt Shea and Cathy McMorris RodgersBetween Spokane and the Idaho border you'll find the 4th legislative district. It's very rural. There's got to be a town there but I can't find one, although there was a post office of sorts in a town called Drygoon and in 1902 they changed the name from Drygoon to Colbert in honor of a postmaster named Harry Colbert.

Is It Fair To Label Fiorina A Conspirator In The Colorado Springs Terrorism At Planned Parenthood?

"Victims of Our Games" by Chawky FrennMuch like Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger said on CNN while the terrorist was still inside the Planned Parenthood clinic shooting people, Herr Trumpf, while having his candidacy boosted by another Meet The Press interview yesterday, pronounced him (not Kinzinger, the other terrorist)