Republican Religion

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:I'm posting this not because it breaks any new ground on the warped views on religion held by Republicans. It doesn't. But I thought that, while Republicans are sitting in church today trying to think up new ways to hate "others" and make the lives of "others" as miserable and depressing as they possibly can, we must remain vigilant and not take their hateful desires lightly at all.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:AOC is a witch? Ah, the Republican mind! It idles stuck on Bizarro World where love is hate and hate is love unrevealed. How else to explain their bizarre, dark (and potentially dangerous) obsession with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? How else to explain Repug Christonuts making themselves the Devil's Workshop and projecting their inner demons as a lame explanation of the existence and behavior of others.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSunday Thoughts:Trump sees things. No, he's not a visionary, at least not in a positive, pro-humanity sense, but, he sees things. He sees big crowds at at his rallies that simply aren't there. Bigly crowds. Tremendous crowds. He doesn't see all those empty seats or all that empty space where people aren't standing. His weak mind won't allow for that, and neither will his cult.

2018 In Review: Sex-Obsessed Hypocrite Edition-A Holiday Cornucopia Of Republican Wackos. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 10.

by NoahYesterday, I wrote about a handful of the Republican Party’s Nazi brethren. But, hey, enough of Republicans who worship Nazis and Nazis who worship republicans. The two are interchangeable anyway, so let’s proceed. How about some sex-crazed republicans? Republicans are always so obsessed with other people’s sex lives that they live by a “do as I say not as I do” “religious” creed.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahA president walks into a church... Aw, forget the jokes. The president is the joke, the gift that keeps on giving, kinda like gonorrhea.When Daddy Bush finally did the world a favor and croaked, there was some speculation as to whether or not Traitor Don would be asked to stay away from his funeral like he had been asked to stay away from Barbara Bush's. Imagine how repulsive to the core you have to be to be too toxic for a Bush funeral.