Republican presidential race

Ted Cruz, Führer Of The Value Voters Summit Neo-Fascist Fringe

All my friends think I'm crazy for asserting-- all year-- that the Republicans will pick Ted Cruz as their sacrificial lamb to face Hillary in 2016. Some of them are deluding themselves that Hillary will even be the nominee-- pure wishful thinking-- but most point to polls that show Cruz is way down at the bottom of the pack.

Is it really a great idea for the GOP to have presidential debates moderated by a guy who's sworn to keep one candidate from getting their nod?

What? You think right-wing hate talker Mark Levin shouldn't moderate GOP presidential debates just 'cause he's said, "I will do everything I can, in my little way, to make sure [Chris Christie] is not the nominee"?by KenSo let's pretend that you're a large-ish political party and you occasionally like to run candidates for high political office, possibly including president of the United States.