Republican Party

Sowing Distrust in America… Who Needs Russia?

This is shaping up to be the most ugly election in U.S. history with fiery consequences. Could the nation be heading for civil war, a century and a half after the last one?
If we thought 2016 and the fallout of that election was bad, then 2o20 promises to be dystopia on steroids.
The mix is explosive. Gun sales are breaking new records in a country where there are already more privately-held firearms than the number of citizens.

Mail-Order Presidency: Democrats Will Do Anything to Beat Trump in November

Just like in 2016 when WikiLeaks revealed that the DNC was feeding Hillary Clinton debate questions, 2020 will be no different with the Democrats employing every dirty trick in the book to oust Donald Trump from office.
Following on the backs of Russiagate, Impeachment, and now mass-media hysteria over Coronavirus, which of course has dealt Trump a major blow with regards to his hopes for reelection in November, is there anyone still not convinced that the Democrat machine is prepared to do absolutely anything to win in November?