Republican Jesus

Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahRepublicans have memes, too! Here's one. It's been making the rounds amongst the Republikook population for the past week or so. Are you surprised to see it here? Yeah, they don't do the humor thing very well; at least not intentionally. But, they do claim to own Christianity, so, I thought it would be nice for DWT readers to see this meme on a Sunday.

Garry Wills, contemplating Pope Francis and his critics, says there are "two forms of Christianity now on offer" -- and it's up to Catholics to choose

A homeless man uses an umbrella to shield himself from the water from the system installed by San Francisco's Cardinal Sal "The Faucet" Cordileone to drench riffraff trying to sleep under the overhang of St. Mary's Cathedral -- in Jesus's name, of course."I see the church as a field hospital after battle. It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars. You have to heal the wounds.