Republican hypocrisy

The Democrats Still Haven't Impeached The Motherfucker-- Passing PAY-GO Is All They're Capable Of

I don't have the kind of sweeping knowledge of the presidency Señor Trumpanzee pretends to have. But I can state that there has never been a president in my lifetime as profane and in the gutter as the intellectually lazy slug currently occupying the White House. Trump was a grotesque pig long before the Kremlin rallied easily-manipulatable fans of The Apprentice to elect him to office. Imagine a carefully curated compilation of, say, The Best of Trump With Howard Stern.

2018 In Review: Sex-Obsessed Hypocrite Edition-A Holiday Cornucopia Of Republican Wackos. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 10.

by NoahYesterday, I wrote about a handful of the Republican Party’s Nazi brethren. But, hey, enough of Republicans who worship Nazis and Nazis who worship republicans. The two are interchangeable anyway, so let’s proceed. How about some sex-crazed republicans? Republicans are always so obsessed with other people’s sex lives that they live by a “do as I say not as I do” “religious” creed.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahRemember Trump's caravan of black death, small pox, Middle Eastern terrorists, MS-13, and dreaded Hondurans? Leading up to the election, it was all we heard about. FOX "News" especially turned itself over to wall to wall coverage. It was their version of Halloween every day. A battalion of Freddy Kruegers was on the way! It was a sure-fire "get the loon party out to the polls" motivator.

Is There Something Strange Going On Up In Alaska?

Mike Dunleavy-- does he also have a thing for drag queens?Last week I went to two Ted Lieu fundraising events for California candidates. And he mentioned Alaska with times, asserting that Independent Alyse Galvin was starting to close the gap between herself and forever Congressman Don Young. 538 gives her a 29.3% chance to win (2 in 7) and there are no polls showing her ahead.

Did Lindsey Graham's Shameless Audition And His Hissy Fits Make You Think "Alpha Male?"

Yesterday we appended most of John Pavlovitz's short essay, "Confessions of a Proud Beta Male," to Digby's Frat-Boy McDrunkFace post. I found it odd that Pavlovitz included Graham-- a bit of a flamer-- of all people, as an example of "an alpha-male." Yesterday in the NY Times, Frank Bruni featured him as the star of the saddest story in Washington.

A Synonym For American Conservatism: Hypocrisy

AKA- Reverend BukakiThe Southern Baptist Convention is made up of between 45,000 and 50,000 Baptist churches in the U.S.-- something like 15 million people. Heading it since 2010 has been stark-raving mad bigot, Frank Page, someone completing obsessed with homosexuality. He resigned Monday, trying to slither away unnoticed, and re-resigned Tuesday with this statement:

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWhile Trumpanzee looks at Stormy and thinks "mommy, mommy, mommy," I bet Stormy Daniels scares the zombie-eyed bejesus out of Pence and he goes running for the wife-chaperone-beard he calls "mother." No, I don't think Pence would ever have any sexual designs on Stormy, far, far from it but I bet Stormy causes a lot of confusion and fear in Pence's obviously