Republican dirty tricks

Can Kanye West Help Señor Trumpanzee Steal An Election He Can't Win Legitimately?

Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian shrugs off his outlandish behavior by reminding everyone that he's bipolar, trying to generate pity for him and sympathy for herself. He's been committed to a mental hospital at least once and, although not officially diagnosed as psychotic, every indication points right at that. And now he wants to help Trump win a second term-- by appealing to low-info fans of his music who might otherwise vote for Biden.

Meet the new face of the Republican Party: Fairfax County (VA) Electoral Board imbecile-liar Brian W. Schoeneman

State Sen. Mark Herring, Virginia's apparent AG-electby KenIn the end I decided to go conventional and lead with a photo of Virginia State Sen. Mark Herring, the Democratic provisional winner of the race for Virginia state attorney general. Most of the way, though, my plan was to lead with the tweet reproduced below, with the caption (from Alex Rogers's Time "Swampland" report (see below): "While Brian W.