Republican death cult

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Donald J. Biohazard just had to hold another one of his patented Super-Spreader events to proudly present the latest Republican manifestation of their anti-health care, anti-women, and anti-voting rights stances. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't miss an opportunity to expose people, even those who support him, to a life threatening virus. Since then, the number of attendees who are testing positive for COVID-19 is growing by the day.

No, Not "Both Parties" Fault-- The Blame From The Entire Financial Crisis Millions Of Americans are Facing is Only The Republicans' Fault-- 100%

In his interview with Stuart Stevens published yesterday by the New Yorker-- on the occasion of the release of his new book, It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump-- Isaac Chotiner asked the former GOP political operative (and now, Lincoln Project #NeverTrumpers), how he came to see that the Republican Party wasn't polluted by Trump but that the Republican Party was polluted by itself.

Trumpism Is Getting Bad Press-- Everywhere

Tom Nichols is author of The Death Of Expertise and that video above was recorded before Trumpism really took hold in America as Trumpism. The Know Thing impulses were always around, but not focused and ascendant as they became once they were in the Oval Office. Yesterday, writing for USA Today, Nichols addressed the problem as it stands now: As America tops 4 million COVID cases, the cult of Donald Trump has become a death cult.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahWell, here's a swell sample of the Trump 62,000,000. Here they are, taking time off from Future Pipe Bombers Club for one of their daily stormings of the Michigan state legislature in order to intimidate any legislators that might have thoughts of backing policies that could save their lives, the lives of their families if they have any, and the lives of the rest of the citizenry.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahHis mind is almost completely gone now. But, it will continue to get worse. I made the above meme over a year ago but I never used it because I knew this time was coming. Anyone who watched him speak during his campaign for as little as two minutes could see and hear the mind rotting from within. During the debates you could see it, too, when he crept up behind his opponent to menace her as she spoke.

Is It All Trump's Fault? Mostly-- But His Team Is Excruciatingly Incompetent As Well

The Economist asked why America's death toll has been so high. Watch the 10 minute video above. Tuesday began with 1,010,356 confirmed cases in the U.S. (23,196 new cases from Sunday). There were 56,797 deaths (up 1,384 from Sunday). The U.S. was showing 3,052 cases per million in the population and 17,211 tests per million and 172 deaths per million.How does that compare with other countries? Let's look at testing first. These are the countries that have been testing most per million in their population. The higher up the chart, the better: