Republican Convention

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahIt's been two weeks since the Republican Drug-Fueled Freak Show on the White House lawn. Anybody seen Kimberly Guilfoyle since then? Don Jr.? Kellyanne grabbed her broom and flew away for parts unknown. Eric is safely put back in an attic closet. Rudy's probably in the Ukraine screaming, texting like mad, and sweating profusely as he tries to keep his teeth in. The FOX "News" goons are back in their KKK Klubhouse. Boats are sinking...Anyway, Oakland, CA based artist Eddie Colla has assembled a nice commemorative video (above).

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAll week long, I've been wondering what to do with all of the memes that depict this week's 2020 Cavalcade Of Republican Goonery. I mean, there's so much, where do I start? So I've decided that the best thing to do is just present a selection of the week's better Republican Con-Vention memes as a kind of rap-up, more or less let the pictures do the talking. and leave it at that.

Last Night's Festival Of Deception And Lies

On Thursday night Trump spoke for an hour, closing out his 2020 nominating convention. The media rushed to count the lies and put them all into context. Glenn Kessler's fact-checking team at the Washington Post dubbed his speech "a tidal wave of tall tales, false claims and revisionist history" and listed 32 lies-- 25 from Señor Trumpanzee himself and 7 from his handpicked Thursday speakers.

GOP Death Cult Convention Celebrates Trump's Leadership-- As U.S. Hurtles Towards 200,000 COVID-Deaths

Tuesday, which was the second day of the #CocaineConvention, was just another normal pandemic day in the USA-- another 1,291 Americans killed by Trump and the Republican Party and another 40,098 new cases. These are the ten worst anti-hero Trumpist governors causing their states the most unnecessary contagion and how many new cases they caused as the GOP Convention kicked off:

Will The Señor Trumpanzee #CocaineConvention Manage To Generate A Reverse Bounce?

I'm still hoping lots and lots of people watch the Republican #CocaineConvention. That's because I think it will turn off independent voters and may even persuade some mainstream-- as in non-fascist-- Republicans to stay home on November 3rd. Unfortunately, according to Nielsen, just 15.9 million people watched, a 28% drop from 2016.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah2 miscreants, a few years and 100 pounds ago.But now it looks like Steve Bannon won't be speaking at the bigly tremendous Republican Goon Death & Swindle Fest this week, but, not to worry. He will be there in spirit. Who knows, maybe he'll just throw on a sheet and hood and blend in with the rest of the crowd. And fear not, there's a steady parade of other goons to behold and you still have time to tune in and watch some of them.

How Much Better Off Would The Country Be If The Two Establishment Parties Just Disappeared?

Apparently George Washington was both prescient and correct when he warned, in his "farewell address" (1796), that political parties serve "always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection."The Founders made a big mistake, though-- still not corrected all these years later-- in not including the choice "none of the above"-- in all elections.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahYep. As the meme says, he really did say that and, of course, the 2020 Republican Death Cult Con-Vention is upon us and we're already hearing much more of the same. Along with their usual NAZI words and Third Reich symblism, we can expect to hear little else from such a collection of grifters, con artists, and white supremacy goons. Here's the prelude to the uber fear-mongering quote in tonight's meme: