Republican civil war

Paul Ryan Ready To Make Staten Island The Hill His Political Career Dies On

Even Mussolini rejected the Mafia... but Bannon & Trump have no problem with the MobBannon's anti-establishment rampage so far has been directed towards Republican Senate incumbents allied with Mitch McConnell. Except in one instance: Bannon has allied with the Mafia to try to get convicted felon Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm back into Congress over the political corpse of Ryan ally Dan Donovan.

The Mercers Would Like To Create A Fascist U.S. And They've Hired Bannon To Help Them-- Could Work

Bannon Unleashed by Nancy OhanianAlabama isn't the U.S. In fact, Alabama is barely part of the U.S. A month after the election of one of America's greatest presidents, Alabama had embarked on the road to secession. In December 1860, Stephen Hale, Alabama's commissioner to Kentucky, wrote to the Kentucky governor bitching about blacks.

Was McConnell Mortally Wounded In Bannon's First Skirmish Against The GOP Establishment?

Even before Luther Strange's-- and Trump's and McConnell's-- humiliating 54.6-45.4% defeat in the Alabama special election last night, Bannon was crowing that it was he, not Señor Trumpanzee, who could control the Trumpist base of racists and, to use his own word, "morons." Trump's own high profile endorsement of Strange-- and McConnel

After He's Humiliated Tuesday, Trump Will Never Want To Set Foot In Alabama Again

The Women For Trump PAC is just the latest MAGA group to split from Señor Trumpanzee and embrace Roy Moore's overt fascism. Bretibart reported that "Women Vote Trump, the largest female-run PAC to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, announced their endorsement of Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate on Friday, describing him as the “only candidate” who will stand up to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...

Repellent Republicans Are Way More Repellent Than Repellent Democrats-- And There Are Plenty Of Repellent Democrats

Our Revolution is asking Democrats to cosponsor 8 specific bills that mae up the progressive legislative agenda. Their pitch is good: "Resisting the Trump administration and Republican Congressional agenda is only part of how we can move our country forward. Now is the time for Democrats to campaign on a bold agenda and fight to create an America that works for everyone.