Republican brand

How Much Damage Will Trump And The Also-Rans Do To The GOP's Slim Hopes Of Holding The Senate Majority?

Will Trump's racist approach inadvertently save Michael Bennet's Senate seat?The Republican Party brand is now so damaged among key electoral groups-- you can start with rapidly growing/rapidly registering-to-vote Hispanic-Americans and high-propensity Asian-American voters-- that not only is it likely that whoever emerges as the party's nominee will be unable to cobble together a winning coalition in 2016 but it's likely that more and more Senate seats will fall outside

Is There Still A Statewide Republican Party In California?

Friday the Republicans' annual 3-day neo-fascist conclave begins at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in DC. Featured speakers include a grab bag of some of the craziest lunatics on the fringes of the far right, from extremist current and former elected officials like Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, David Brat, Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee, to random freaks-with-a-following like Glenn Beck, Mat Staver, Ollie North, William Boykin, E.W.

In case you were worried about how our boy Eric Cantor would pay his mortgage . . . (And his poll guy's doin' fine too!)

Will our boy's new employer be providing him with flags, or will he have to bring his own to NYC?"After [Teabagger challenger David] Brat's victory, 'many analysts accused Eric Cantor of paying more attention to Wall Street than to the people of Virginia's 7th District,' Kevin Broughton, a spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, a super-political action committee that supports Brat, said in an e-mailed statement.

President Rand Paul? ROTFLMAO

It's no secret that Blue America is as excited about the Shenna Bellows race in Maine this cycle, as we were about the Elizabeth Warren race in Massachusetts last cycle. The two women are different in many ways, of course, but both are strong, independent-minded, brilliant and focused on breaking through the same-ole/same-ole that has made Washington so utterly dysfunctional.

Republicans Fret As GOP Brand Continues To Disintegrate In California

Santa Clarita Assemblyman Scott Wilk is the kind of commonsense, mainstream Republican from the old days-- not hopeless... and still worth reasoning with. Today he's the co-chair of elections for the Assembly GOP Caucus and he's worried that some of his sleazy colleagues, particularly the ones in Washington, are spoiling his party's brand even more than it has already been. He was optimistic about holding three Republican seats against strong Democratic attacks next year.