
Oakland Requires Half Of Legal Pot Permits Go To Those Arrested For Marijuana Offenses

A marijuana bud is seen at a medical marijuana facility in Unity, Maine. .(AP/Robert F. Bukaty)
Oakland, CA – Oakland is beginning an experiment that can be considered both laudable and questionable. As cannabis businesses are set to spring up across the city, following California’s legalization of recreational cannabis, Oakland is providing reparations to victims of the drug war.

Angela Merkel va-t-elle cautionner les mensonges d’Elie Wiesel et, notamment, son mensonge de l’extermination des juifs, à Auschwitz, par le feu et non par le gaz ?

Le lundi 24 avril 2017, Mme Angela Merkel, chancelière de la République fédérale allemande et ancien membre des Jeunesses communistes au temps de la République démocratique allemande, recevra le prix Elie Wiesel qui lui sera décerné par l’Holocaust Memorial Museum de Washington (voyez USA: le musée de l’Holocauste va remettre le prix Elie Wiesel à Angela Merkel, i24NEWS, 23 mars 2017).  Elie Wiesel, décédé l’an dernier, était ce « grand faux t

Is Angela Merkel going to endorse Elie Wiesel’s lies and, particularly, his lie of the extermination of the Jews at Auschwitz by fire and not by gas?

On Monday, April 24, 2017, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and former member of the Communist “Free German Youth” in the German Democratic Republic, will receive the Elie Wiesel Award from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (see German Chancellor Merkel to Receive Museum’s 2017 Elie Wiesel Award, USHMM press release of March 23).Elie Wiesel, who died last year, was the “prominent false witness”

Marianne Williamson-- Reparations!

What do candidates do after they lose their race? Many disappear, at least for a while. Or if not disappear, they lower their profile significantly. I remember, though, on the night that election fraud cost Donna Edwards her first race, I spoke with her about how she needed to start running the next day. She did and she two years later she became the first African-American woman to represent Maryland in Congress.