
No-Go Zone: Maxwell Denied Bail, Tucker Cucked, Covid Lies, Nick Cannon & Reparations

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Henrik covers the latest important news in episode 20 of No-Go Zone.
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Reparations and the Palestinian Right of Return: Two Sides of the Same Bloody Coin

The calls “Black Lives Matter” and “Free, Free Palestine,” serve to remind us that Palestine is not free and that if the lives of Black people mattered, there would be no need for the call. In both cases, people are in the grips of a cruel, racist system that refuses to let go. In both cases, people are being hunted down, caged, strangled, and shot to death, and the root cause of their suffering is rarely addressed.

Democrat Kamala Harris Calls for Slavery Reparations While She Is a Descendant of a Jamaican Slave Owner

Harris' family profited from the Brown family name, making them culpable for any suffering of slaves who worked the plantation, if the left follows its own standards by blaming current generations for sins committed by ancestors who passed long ago. Critics are waiting for her to be the first to pay reparations.