
Trump Is Leading His Church-Going Fans Into The Arms Of The Virus

Butte County in northern California has about 220,000 people. The closest towns that could pass for cities are Chico (pop-103,301) and Oroville (pop-20,737). After the devastation of the 2018 Camp Fire, the city of Paradise went from a population of 26,218 to just 4,476.Now Butte has another problem its residents never imagined they would have to confront: a pandemic. About a month ago, writing to the L.A.

Trump Has Failed-- Dismally-- His Most Important Test As President... How Could Anyone Have Imagined He Wouldn't?

COVID-Don and COVID-Ron, killing people in FloridaIt isn't news that the COVID infection rate is skyrocketing in America right now. While other countries are seeing a decrease, the U.S. is seeing startling increases-- from an average of around 20,000 new cases a day to an average of over 30,000 new cases a day. Today the U.S reported 36,669 new cases. The U.S.

Reopening-- Italy, Spain, Saudi Arabia...

A Hajj gets much more crowded than a Trump rally-- or inaugurationI lived abroad for 7 years and I'm a "member" of the century club (meaning I've been to over 100 countries). When I was still in my twenties and people asked me to name my favorite countries, it would always be Afghanistan, Morocco, Nepal and Ceylon (since re-named Sri Lanka). Over the years the only constant has been Morocco.

Governors DeSantis (R-FL), Ducey (R-AZ), Abbott (R-TX) and Newsom (D-CA) Are Going To Be As Responsible For Extending The U.S. Pandemic As Trump Is

COVID-Ron and COVID-DonNow that Florida's Trumpist governor has been forced to allow at least some real statistics about the state's coronavirus pandemic to be released, we see that Florida has moved into second place in the number of daily cases-- replacing Texas in the slot behind California. All three states opened too quickly and without serious enforceable guidelines.

When It Comes To Making Plans, COVID Is In The Driver's Seat, Not Mere Mortals

Next month is my friend's birthday. His wife called me today to ask me to come over for a little birthday party. "How little," I asked. She named about a dozen people. "This year?" I asked to confirm my suspicion. I told hold all my plans are being made by the pandemic, not by arbitrary dates and wishes. She did not want to hear that.

You May Think/Wish You Are Done With The Pandemic... But That Is Not How It Works

Yesterday the NY Times reported that Dr. Fauci "delivered a grim assessment of the devastation wrought around the world by the virus, describing COVID-19 as his 'worst nightmare'-- a new, highly contagious respiratory infection that causes a significant rate of illness and death. 'In a period of four months, it has devastated the whole world.