
The Pandemic Turns Out To Be Bad For Drunks And School Kids-- Who Could Have Imagined?

Back To School With Betsy And Donald by Nancy OhanianReporting from Martin County on Florida's Atlantic coast yesterday, CNN warned that since Trump and his puppet governor, Ron DeSantis, stampeded Florida schools into opening prematurely last month, "the number of children under 18 who have contracted Covid-19 statewid

Which Is A Worse Trait Of Brian Kemp's-- His Authoritarian Bent Or His Incredible Stupidity? Or Is He Just A Genocidal Murderer?

COVID-Kemp with another idiotOn Friday, Georgia reported 4,109 new cases of COVID-19, the 4th most of any state, after much more heavily populated California, Florida and Texas. As of this afternoon, there have been 216,956 confirmed cases in the state or 20,400 cases per million residents-- worse than California or Texas and worse than any European country.

American Exceptionalism-- Under Trump

I was talking with one of my oldest friends early in the pandemic. He had locked himself up in his small New York City apartment and was extremely stressed out, insisting his spouse, who would walk down and then back up the 8 flights of stairs to the lobby to pick up delivered items they had ordered, immediately put all clothing into their washer and dryer. My friend didn't need a mask.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahAs I begin writing this on Tuesday evening, 27% of the Houston, Texas population has tested positive for COVID-19. 27%; more than 1 in 4 people, heading up to 1 in 3. That's not just serious to Texas. Houston is the fourth largest city in our country. The Houston Chronicle has just published it's obituary section as a separate 43 page bound volume. Maybe their idiot governor, Greg Abbott will autograph it for selected Texas families.

School's Out For Summer... And Fall?

I don't have any school-aged kids who I need to think about sending back to school next month. But my closest friend is an elementary school teacher in Compton. I'm worried about him, although neither the school district nor his union has said anything definitive about preparing for school. Yesterday, reporters Howard Blume, David Lauter and Nina Agrawal reported for the L.A. Times about the whole reopening idea.

Remember When Re-Opening Was A Thing? Get Ready For Re-Closing

You probably saw that picture before; it's me, in early March when one of my neighbors, a SNL star thought I looked so funny that he had to photograph me. I started wearing that outfit in February to the GREAT discomfort of employees and fellow shoppers in the grocery stores where I was going to buy enough root vegetables, paper goods and dried fruits, legumes, nuts and grains to last until after a major holocaust.

Many People Hope Trump Gets COVID-19 And Dies, But Even If He Doesn't His Mishandling Of The Pandemic Will Kill His Reelection Bid

Killer by Nancy OhanianThe pandemic is getting frighteningly worse in Africa. Although South Africa has been steadily climbing up the daily case reports ladder-- and is now generally in the number 4 slot after the U.S., Brazil and India-- I had never seen Cameroon or Ghana among the top 30 before this week. On Tuesday Cameroon reported 2,324 new cases and Ghana reported 891.