reopening schools

If You Saw A Rabid Dog You Might Shoot It, But You Can't Shoot Someone Who Refuses To Wear A Mask

I doubt Senor Trumpanzee and his Death Cult are going to be happy about this, but in a JAMA interview yesterday, CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield said and wrote that universal masking would stop the pandemic. "I really do believe that if the American public all embraced masking now... rigorously... over the next 4-8 weeks we could bring this epidemic under control.

Un-Re-Opening... California Takes The Step

"Die For Him Grandpa" by Nancy OhanianCalifornia is a COVID-mess, particularly the southern part of the state, where all the counties followed Gov. Gavin Newsom into a wait-and-see approach (while the Bay Area counties ignored Newsom's cowardice and shut down fast and managed to stave off the worst of the pandemic that is devastating southern California.

School's Out For Summer... And Fall?

I don't have any school-aged kids who I need to think about sending back to school next month. But my closest friend is an elementary school teacher in Compton. I'm worried about him, although neither the school district nor his union has said anything definitive about preparing for school. Yesterday, reporters Howard Blume, David Lauter and Nina Agrawal reported for the L.A. Times about the whole reopening idea.

Many People Hope Trump Gets COVID-19 And Dies, But Even If He Doesn't His Mishandling Of The Pandemic Will Kill His Reelection Bid

Killer by Nancy OhanianThe pandemic is getting frighteningly worse in Africa. Although South Africa has been steadily climbing up the daily case reports ladder-- and is now generally in the number 4 slot after the U.S., Brazil and India-- I had never seen Cameroon or Ghana among the top 30 before this week. On Tuesday Cameroon reported 2,324 new cases and Ghana reported 891.