Are Fox News' Constant Attacks Making You Lose Your Religion?

This week Bill Maher took on the GOP and their Fox allies for ramping up-- on cue: election time-- their fake war on Christianity again. Watch the video above. Maher was so good that none of his Real Time guests even mentioned that leading the Democratic Party's "war on Christianity" is the left's newest hero, Pope Francis I. Aren't Republican Catholics muttering that the Pope is off the reservation and sounding like Bernie Sanders (or, God forbid, Jesus)? Does this story from Philadelphia sound familiar?

American Republican Party Hatred And Bigotry Finds Fertile Ground In Europe

Last month Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders was back in America, talking to rabid right-wing Republicans about one of their favorite topics-- and his: Islamophobia. He spoke at the Four Seasons in New York City. I wonder if he called his party the New Nazi Party, instead of the Netherlands Party For Freedom, the Four Seasons would welcome him as a speaker. Probably. "I come to America with a mission," he began.