religious bigotry

Anti-Gay Zealots Like Doug Chin Shouldn't Be Running For Congress As Democrats

Most of us outside Hawaii who have heard of Doug Chin know him as the courageous Attorney General-- appointed, not elected-- who has gone after Trump. Rachel Maddow tried making him a star on her show without doing any diligence about what she was extolling. I bet ole Rachel never saw that YouTube video up top. Yep, that's Doug Chin preaching like an insane zealot, screaming his homophobic rantings-- "God is right; your family is wrong." Holy Moly!

Confidential to Antonio Sabato Jr.: God thinks you're an asshole and Jesus says you suck

One more time --We first looked at this clip in the July 27 post "If the campaign is going to be a 'feelings' fight, is the handwriting on the wall?""What is truly revealing is [Antonio Sabato Jr.'s] implication that believing something to be true is the same as its being true. Because if anything, that was the theme of the Republican Convention this week.

Extra, Extra! Mind Parasites Attack Republicans!

Georgia senator/hate monger-by NoahIs there any other explanation for the behavior of today’s Republican Party?Are they just born that way? Is the Republican lifestyle a choice? Is there a crackpot gene? Or, have mind parasites taken over Republican brains?In this post, I will give you two examples of just how far the mind rot has set in amongst Republicans. They walk among us, my friends. They might even dress a little like you or I.

The Year In Gay Bashing: It’s Republican World, 2015 In Review, Chapter Six

-By NoahWhen Republicans find a group of people they consider “different” or can paint as “different”, they pounce. Skin tone, nationality, religion, gender, and gender preference are all are fair game in Republican World. Anything they can use to rile up the emotions and unfounded fears of their base is, in their view, fair game. They take it and put it into their schoolyard bully approach to “debate”. It’s the art of meanness and it gets them where they want to go. It’s also a useful tool of distraction form far more important issues.

Electing Ben Carson President Would Not Be Consistent With The Constitution Of This Country

"No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."-- the Constitution, Article VI (paragraph 3) The Founding Fathers wanted to keep the Constitution flexible. They rarely used the word "ever" or "never." They must have thought this section was pretty important to the essence of what they were trying to accomplish.

Admit it now, have you been oppressing Bill O'Reilly again? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

"Martyrdom is a huge deal in Catholicism -- the Lives of the Saints are filled with stories of martyrs tortured and killed for their beliefs -- and hey, in many strands of Christianity, if you're not being oppressed, you're not doing it right. . . . "I can call Bill O'Reilly a bigot all day long, and that has nothing to do with me oppressing him for his religion. For what it's worth, I happen to know a lot of Catholics who are not bigots and don't give two fucks about gay people getting married!