Reimagining COVID19

Odisha: College girls turn ‘teachers’ for tribal kids as they failed to access government’s online education

Kandhamal: Two girls from the tribal-dominated Jhimaghia village of Kandhamal districts have stepped up to teach tribal kids when they saw that children of the village are deprived of education after the lockdown was enforced to contain the COVID19 outbreak. Jyotsnamayee Naik (23) and Bidhata Pradhan (22) are the two recent graduates from the same village who took up the[Read More...]

A Left Perspective on Emerging Post-Pandemic Global Relations

 Introduction COVID-19 pandemic, its emergence, global spread and the crisis therefrom are inseparably linked up with the character of neoliberal accumulation today. As is widely recognised, its origins are rooted in profit-driven corporate capital’s unbridled plunder of nature and consequent invasion and intrusion in to wild life ecosystem leading to spill-over of viruses to humans and their subsequent mutations. That[Read More...]

Coronavirus crisis and the future of mass movements

The spectre of pandemic led crisis and its relationship with social transformation is not new. The Plague of Justinian and the Black Death had huge impact on weakening of feudalism in Europe. It did not pave the path for democratic movements in Europe but made people conscious about the difference in sufferings. The masses suffered in different plagues while the feudal[Read More...]