
Monsanto Gets the First CRISPR License to Modify Crops

Monsanto announced last week that it licensed the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool from the Broad Institute in Boston for use in seed development. The technology will allow the agritech giant to edit crops’ DNA by “snipping” away undesirable traits – or adding in more desirable ones – of the plants’ genetic codes. Frankenfood? [1]
Source: Business Insider

Not All Bad: EU May BAN Monsanto Weedkiller Over Health Concerns

21st Century Wire says…
With the Brexiteers marching on in their quest to leave the European Union, it is well worth remembering that the EU is not all bad.
While some have argued that the myriad of regulations bestowed upon countries by the EU are a bad thing, some of them are genuinely protecting the general public from toxic dangers that are otherwise allowed to flow freely across the Atlantic Ocean in the US.

FDA Launching Overhaul of Food Safety Regulations to Help Prevent Food Poisoning Outbreaks

The Food and Drug Administration is making the most dramatic changes to its food safety regulations in more than a century in an effort to stave off outbreaks of food poisoning, which claims more than 3,000 lives a year.
The purpose of the changes, as obvious as it may sound, is to make food processors anticipate where pathogens might enter food products and to take preventative action. [1]