
How Big Business Uses Big Government to Rape You (And Why You Love It)

FROM 2016: You've probably heard all about Upton Sinclair's 1906 expose of the turn-of-the-century American meatpacking industry and the Chicago stockyards...but everything you've heard about it is wrong. The book wasn't an expose of the meatpackers, the legislation it inspired served to help the industry it sought to punish, and Sinclair himself hated the end result of his book, which aimed for the heart and hit the stomach by accident. Join us for this month's edition of the Film, Literature and the New World Order as we learn not to trust what's on the label of mainline history.

Those Doctors Calling for Spreaders of Covid Misinformation to be Punished Should be Careful What they Wish For. Many of their Claims – that the Vaccinated Couldn’t Infect Others, For Instance – Turned Out to be False

An article in JAMA calls for physicians who spread 'misinformation' about COVID-19 to be punished. But the prevailing orthodoxy in medical science must always be subject to challenge if our knowledge is to increase.

reddit Trendies Clamor for Internet Censorship – #PropagandaWatch

How do you encapsulate a news story in an article? And how do you capture the essence of that article in a headline? More to the point, does any of it matter if people only end up discussing the headline itself? And just what is Andrew Yang's ideas for regulating misinformation online anyway? Join James for this jam-packed edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Interview 1449 – James Corbett on Censorship, Regulation and Deepfakes

[audio mp3=""][/audio]In a previous interview entitled The Social Media Regulation Psyop, (link in the show notes) James Corbett and I discussed the orchestrated suppression and censorship of independent voices online, the reaction we all saw that followed, and the potentially pre-planned government "solution" to this manufactured problem; and if correct, what that would mean for the future of social media, independent news, and just freedom of spe