Refugee Crisis

The Costs of Violence

Obama’s global drone assassination campaign, a remarkable innovation in global terrorism, exhibits the same patterns. By most accounts, it is generating terrorists more rapidly than it is murdering those suspected of someday intending to harm us -- an impressive contribution by a constitutional lawyer on the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, which established the basis for the principle of presumption of innocence that is the foundation of civilized law.


4.22/5 (9) There's growing pressures in Europe against the whole Brussels regulatory bureaucracy that really runs the so-called "European union." Mr. A.G. shared these articles about the growing opposition not only within France and Britain for…
The post BREXIT, FREXIT, AND DEXIT: THE EU IN DEEP TROUBLE appeared first on Giza Death Star.

London: And The ‘Human Rights Watch Film Festival’ 2016…

The ‘Human Rights Watch Film Festival’ is renowned for producing high-quality and often moving documentary films from all over the world. Its annual selection of films explores human rights violations and personal stories in different parts of the globe, providing a forum for both talented filmmakers and for afflicted or oppressed individuals, often giving a […]

The West and Syria: the corporate media vs. reality

As always, the government prefers to treat the public like mushrooms – keeping them in the dark and feeding them bullshit. And with our supposedly crusading, disputatious, stroppy and difficult fourth estate unable or unwilling to report basic facts and to connect some very simple dots, what chance does the general public have of ever gaining even a basic understanding of what the West is doing in Syria?

Revealed: The thousands of former child refugees deported to Afghanistan and Iraq

Thousands of young people who sought refuge in Britain as unaccompanied child asylum seekers have since been deported to war torn countries that are in part controlled by Islamic State, the Taliban or other repressive regimes, a Home Office minister has admitted.
The post Revealed: The thousands of former child refugees deported to Afghanistan and Iraq appeared first on BSNEWS.

NGOs and volunteers helping refugees in Greece to be placed under state control

Only in the Soviet Union and under the STASI in East Germany were NGOs expected to hand over lists and personal details of all their members/volunteers – “In particular there should be no attempts by public authorities to make NGOs effectively agencies working under their control..” (Council of Europe) – “the registration of volunteers has no place in a democracy” […]