Reese Erlich

Reese Erlich Was Just Back In Havana-- Reporting On The "Sonic Attacks" On Diplomats Science Fiction

-by Reese ErlichThe mainstream media stories were straight out of a science fiction movie. Somebody in Cuba was aiming a super sophisticated "sonic weapon" at US diplomats here in Havana, causing them to experience hearing loss, dizziness, nausea, severe headaches and even brain damage similar to a concussion.From December 2016 through February 2017, according to the Trump administration, 22 American diplomats heard strange sounds in their homes and hotel rooms.

The Future Of An Independent Catalonia

-by Reese ErlichDuring a trip to Barcelona, I sat down to read a local newspaper and, although I understand Spanish, I couldn’t fathom a word. The newspaper was in Catalan. Catalonia is part of Spain but has its own distinct language, territory, culture and history of resistance to oppression.It was the Spring of 2003, and I was speaking on a panel with other US journalists opposed to the Iraq War. The conservative government in Madrid supported the US invasion; the progressive government in Catalonia did not.

The Six Most Common Middle East Conspiracy Theories-- Guest Post By Reese Erlich

Our old friend Reese Erlich’s most recent book,  Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect, just came out in paperback and he’ll be speaking at UCLA on January 19. I’m planning on attending and I hope you’ll make it as well if you’re in the area. Meanwhile, he wrote a fascinating piece that will give you some idea about what a reality-based Trump administration would be confronting in the Middle East while Reese is speaking in Westwood.

Iran-- A Little Bit Of Perspective From Reese Erlich

You may recall, that we've been looking at the U.S.-backed coup in Egypt as a replay of the tragic U.S. coup against popular Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq in 1953. Wednesday Rand Paul brought up an amendment recognizing that the military overthrow of Mohammed Morsi was a coup and that, legally, the U.S. had to stop sending aid until democracy is restored.