Reese Erlich

Why Young People Are Protesting in Gaza-- Guest Post By Reese Erlich

On my most recent reporting trip to Gaza, I stayed with a family living just a short walk from the Israeli border. At dusk we watched a beautiful sunset over the Mediterranean and could forget the ongoing conflict for just a few minutes.Living conditions for the family have gotten much worse since my visit. They have electricity four hours a day, medicine is in short supply, and they have to get all their water delivered by truck.

What Will Iran Do Now?

by Reese ErlichPresident Donald Trump announced that the US is pulling out of the Iran nuclear accord--and Iranians are really pissed.Thousands of Iranians demonstrated in Tehran chanting “Death to America.” Thousands more attended Friday prayers in Tehran to hear hardline leaders denounce Trump’s actions.Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, an influential Friday prayer leader in Tehran, warned against making deals with the west

Inside The U.S. War In Yemen

-by Reese ErlichOne of the most important US Senate votes in decades took place recently, and few people know it happened.On March 20, Senators voted on whether to stop US support for Saudi Arabia’s vicious war in Yemen by invoking the War Powers Act.More than 5,000 Yemenis have died and tens of thousands have been injured since the war began three years ago.